Zeeshan Subhani's Journey with BitsImages

In today's rapidly evolving job market, gaining practical experience and acquiring a diverse skill set is crucial for any student aspiring to excel in their field. A shining example of this is Zeeshan Subhani, a dedicated Matric student at Usman Idol Public High School. Zeeshan's transformative journey through a Three-Month Internship at BitsImages Powered by Socioon, serves as an inspiring story of personal and professional growth. This blog will explore what Zeeshan learned during his internship, how these newfound skills will benefit him, and how his CV has been significantly improved.

During his internship at Bits Images, Zeeshan not only acquired valuable skills but also made a Significant Contribution to the company's website. He uploaded many images, icons, illustrations, sounds, and videos that added depth and richness to the platform's multimedia content. These contributions can be explored and appreciated by visiting the following link:


Zeeshan's dedication and creative prowess shone through in his work, leaving an indelible mark on the Bits Images website for all to see and benefit from

1. Prompt Engineering:

Zeeshan started his internship with a desire for information and a determination to maximize his learning opportunities. His first exposure to "Prompt Engineering" widened his eyes. The art of creating intriguing and persuasive communications is a component of this talent. Prompt engineering is a skill that crosses all lines, whether it's writing emails, crafting marketing content, or even convincingly presenting concepts. Effective communication is crucial in the current digital era, and Zeeshan now has a useful weapon in his toolbox that will certainly set him apart in his future undertakings.

2. Video Editing:

Everywhere, from social media to educational platforms, there is video content. During his internship, Zeeshan refined his video editing abilities, enabling him to turn unprocessed material into compelling and polished content. As the use of video content in marketing, education, and entertainment increases, this talent opens up a variety of opportunities. With his expertise in video editing, Zeeshan may be a great asset to any company that appreciates visual storytelling.

3. Social Media Handling:

Social networking is a powerful tool for both individuals and businesses in the current digital era. During his internship, Zeeshan developed the skills necessary to manage a social media presence, interact with the audience, and produce content that connects. Anyone who wants to develop their brand, promote their business, or even succeed in the field of marketing needs to have this competence. Zeeshan's versatility and vision are demonstrated by his ability to traverse the constantly evolving social media world successfully.

4. Graphic Designing:

Zeeshan added another feather to his cap by acquiring graphic designing skills. With this skill, he can create visually appealing content for various purposes, from designing marketing materials to enhancing the aesthetics of websites. Graphic design is a versatile skill that can be applied across industries, making Zeeshan a versatile candidate for any job that requires creativity and an eye for design.

5. Website Management:

Zeeshan delved into the world of website management during his internship. In an increasingly digital world, having the ability to maintain and update websites is a valuable skill. Whether it's for personal projects or professional use, Zeeshan's newfound expertise in website management gives him an edge in the competitive job market.

6. Youtubing

In her pursuit of expanding his skill set during his internship at Bits Images, Zeeshan ventured into the realm of YouTubing, where he embraced the role of a content creator with enthusiasm and determination. Not content with merely acquiring knowledge, Zeeshan took his newfound skills to the next level by creating and uploading captivating Documentaries and Animated Videos. Zeeshan's journey into YouTubing not only enriched his skill set but also added a creative dimension to his professional repertoire, allowing him to communicate and connect with audiences in innovative ways.

You can see Zeeshan’s YouTube work at:




So, how will these skills benefit Zeeshan?

Zeeshan's journey through his internship at Bits Images has equipped him with a diverse skill set that is in high demand across various industries. His proficiency in prompt engineering, video editing, social media handling, graphic designing, and website management makes him a well-rounded candidate with the ability to adapt to different roles and challenges.

Zeeshan's CV has been significantly enhanced by his internship experience. His list of skills has grown, showcasing his dedication to continuous learning and self-improvement. Employers value candidates who can bring a wide range of skills to the table, and Zeeshan has certainly achieved that.

In conclusion, Zeeshan's internship experience at Bits Images has not only broadened his skill set but has also bolstered his confidence and readiness for the professional world. His journey is a testament to the importance of seeking opportunities to learn and grow, and it serves as an inspiration for others to take their education beyond the classroom and into the real world, where true transformation happens. As he moves forward in his career, Zeeshan is well-prepared to make a lasting impact, armed with a portfolio of skills that will set him on the path to success.